Q. What is your name/name of band/band members’ names.
Hi! I’m Kevin Shames, and I’m the human behind Basavriuk. I’m in charge or composing all the music, lyrics, and vocals.
Q. What made you want to become a musician?
From a really young age I would always daydream and create scenarios of myself singing to my favorite tunes; anything from Linkin Park to the Sonic Adventure 2 OST (yeah, I know… lol). I was 14 when I discovered heavy metal (Ride The Lightning was my gateway) and that was my real catalyst to try out music. It was during this time that I picked up the bass, and things took off from there.
Q. Can you tell us a bit about the origin of the band? How did you all come together?
I first started using the name “Basavriuk” around 2014 as a moniker on platforms like Tumblr, Soundcloud, and what have you. I was playing in different bands at the time, but Basavriuk was the one vessel I had for creating music the way I had envisioned 100%, no compromises or anything. That early era of the project has been shrouded in obscurity, but there are still songs lurking on the internet. Jumping ahead, in 2022 I began composing again with a more structured approach and I found it extremely fitting to bring back the name, really like an homage to that feeling of musical freedom.
Q. How would you describe your sound to someone who’s never heard your music before?
As short to the point as possible: jangly post-punk guitars, alternative rock low end (bass and drums), and ethereal unintelligible vocals common in shoegaze. It’s like if The Cure, Foo Fighter, and Cocteau Twins were blended into a pink smoothie.
Q. Do you have any upcoming shows or tours planned that fans should look out for?
There are no shows planned at this very moment unfortunately seeing as how I’m the one person behind all the music. However, one of my biggest goals for Basavriuk this year is to form the “band” and begin playing out. I’ve also been playing with the idea of doing a few “solo” sets, either with a backing track or stripped down to just guitar and vocals, as hazy as possible. I really hope to have updates on that soon but in the meantime, I’ll keep pushing to release new songs in the form of singles and an EP if the stars align.
Q. What are some of your favorite venues to perform at and why?
In Puerto Rico (where I’m based out of) I’ve only had the chance to perform in “El Local” with one of my previous bands. That was a wonderful experience, and I really hope to return there with Basavriuk. They really cater to underground acts, and I love that they have a projector in the venue to help with the immersion of it all. Other venues that I have in mind are Club 77, La Parroquia, and La Respuesta.
In Vermont (where I spent the majority of my time playing in bands) some of my favorite spots from playing out were: The Monkey House, Charlie-Os, Psychedelicatessen (rip), Manhattan Pizza, and the numerous basement venues whose names I can’t remember for the life of me.
Q, If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Toughest question so far! I think at this very moment I’d go with Asylum Party’s Mère. It’s the album I catch myself spinning the most without giving much thought, and it has quite a range of emotions between songs, so I’d be happy to have that on a day to day (or decade to decade) basis.
Q. What do you think is the most rewarding part of being an artist?
The most rewarding moments have been when people reach out to me to express how much my music resonates with them, or that they got completely lost inside of my music. Basavriuk is truly a vessel for my emotions, doubts, and insecurities, so when somebody identifies with my work it truly is the most validating feeling in the world. I never thought in a million years that people would enjoy something that I’ve made.
Q. If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
As Basavriuk I would love to collaborate with singers in the genre/sphere who are masters of their craft. The first two that come to mind are Elizabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins) and Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance). As a bassist I jokingly wish for Simon Gallup to take a day off from playing with the Cure so that I could fill in. I know I couldn’t do the songs justice though! I adore Simon so much, he’s one of my musical heroes.
Q. If your life were made into a movie, which song would play during the opening scene?”
Another tough question! I’d assume that this movie starts when I started with music (8thgrade me), so I’m thinking Iron Maiden’s “The Number of the Beast” would capture that teen angst perfectly!
Q. Where do you see yourself/band and your music in the next five years?
I’ll continue to write music, and I really am pushing things to be playing out consistently. It’d be great to see that being a part of my life five years down the road.
You can find Basavriuk below
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