A New Voice in Pop-Punk: Melanie Penny Opens Up About Her Sound and Story

A New Voice in Pop-Punk: Melanie Penny Opens Up About Her Sound and Story

Q. What is your name/name of band/band members’ names? 

A. It’s just me, Melanie Penny

Q. Can you tell us a bit about the origin of the band? How did you all come together?

A. I got into Taylor Swift and One Direction growing up and I wanted to play like them. I wanted to be on stage like them. 

Q. How would you describe your sound to someone who’s never heard your music before?

A. I would describe it as pop-punk maybe a little more rock. It’s usually sad songs with an angry touch about mental health or a lame crush.

Q. What’s your favorite song to perform? 

A. I actually haven’t performed yet! It’s something I want to do this year but I’m pretty sure it would be Damaged DNA. It means a lot to me and it’s a special song to others. 

Q. What does being a female artist in the music industry mean to you?

A. To me it means being out of the majority of musicians. There’s a lot to prove being a female artist, you know the music industry is mainly men and I think proving you deserve a spot is more than half the battle. 

Q. Do you have any upcoming shows or tours planned that fans should look out for?

A. I do not right now but stay tuned!

Q. What is your take on social media and how it influences an artist’s career?

A. Social media is needed for an artists career in this day and age. I’ve gotten a lot further with it then if I was performing on the streets. You need a good balance but I think it’s crucial to a good career. 

Q, If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A. It would probably be fearless by Taylor Swift. That’s the album that made me want to pick up a guitar and write songs. I could listen to that forever. 

Q. What do you think is the most rewarding part of being an artist?

A. It’s the fact that you can change lives. I’ve always had music as an outlet growing up, it’s really helped me but there’s the comments people reach out to tell me how much a song I wrote is speaking to them. 

Q. If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A. I would love the chance to work with Taylor Swift one day. We’re pretty similar in how we write just in different genres. 

Q. If your life were made into a movie, which song would play during the opening scene?”

A. I’ll go with Midnight Memories by One Direction

You can find Melanie Penny below:


All photos by https://www.instagram.com/amandapennyphotography?igsh=MTZ4Mm42dXNxamFmaA%3D%3D