Meet Sponj with members TJ O’Keefe and Kevin Longstreth, the innovative minds behind a genre-defying duo that’s captivating audiences with their avant-pop sound. Their journey from jamming together as long-time friends to crafting their debut album Epcot has been nothing short of electric. With a mix of synth-driven instrumentals and emotive vocals, their music creates a space where listeners can both reflect and lose themselves. Join us as we explore their creative process, favorite venues, and what’s next for this rising musical duo.
Q. Can you tell us a bit about the origin of the band? How did you all come together?
We were already long time friends. We started playing music together when we happened to be sitting in on our friends’ bands jam sessions. We liked what we heard from each other (Kevin’s vocals and TJ’s synths) and decided to explore our sound as a duo. We each have our primary roles which blend nicely in the writing process. We put out our debut album, Epcot, in Feb 2024 and our sophmore EP, The Best, in October 2024. We have another album in works to record in 2025. We find it all very fun.
Q. How would you describe your sound to someone who’s never heard your music before?
Two people making avant pop music with synths and drum machines. Transportive and enjoyable electronic reflection. The sounds and the lyrics combine emotiveness and openness, with enough space for the listener to feel what they want to feel and go where they want to go.
Q. Do you have any upcoming shows or tours planned that fans should look out for?
Empty Bottle on January 8th. Doors at 8pm with Sidaka at 9pm, us at 10pm and then AAAYYYAAA headlining. That night will have something for everyone. We’re pumped to play two brand new songs we haven’t even recorded yet. More show and release updates coming soon on Instagram.
Q. What are some of your favorite venues to perform at and why?
Empty Bottle has always been the place we love to be, whether we are playing a show or not. Had great times at Bookclub, California Clipper, Liar’s Club, Reed’s, Color Club but truly every single show we play brings a sense of community with other people making their music and going to see live shows, all out of love. It allows our souls to step out into the world and make friends.
Q, If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Kevin: The Pleasure Principle by Gary Numan
TJ: Feel Good Lost by Broken Social Scene
Q. If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Kevin: Otis Redding, because he can still make me cry.
Q. If your life were made into a movie, which song would play during the opening scene?
Kevin: Blue Light by Mazzy Star
TJ: My Girls by Animal Collective
Where to find Sponj
Photo credit: Credit: Nathan Johnson, Sandra Yau, Patrick Longstreth, Fadi Khalilieh, Julie Garfield, Adam Smith